Monday, July 11, 2011

That's no moon...It's a Daniel Guerzon!

It all started in 1985.  I am a San Diego kid, blessed with the beach and the perfect skies for napping.  As I've aged, I have transformed into all kinds of creatures.  I started as a Santa Margarita Mustang in Camp Pendleton since my father was in the military.  I consider those years of school as the magic years.  I can't remember a single bad day during my pre-K to 3rd grades at that school.  When my family moved off base, I morphed into a Grapevine Grizzly.  This was the only time I became "The New Kid".  I accidentally found myself in a drawing battle with the class artist when I was caught doodling during class.  I guess I won since every kid kept asking me to draw for their assignments.  At least I had a reputation in this new school.  By the time I became a Washington Patriot, I had my crew.  I joined our school band as a percussionist to start my training as the drummer for Colorblind (Our imaginary rock band).  We had dreams to move to Seattle and live the life of Rockstars.  It hasn't happened yet.  When we graduated the 8th grade, 90% of the kids went to Rancho Buena Vista.  The losers went to Vista.  I was a loser, but thank God I became a Vista Panther.  The music scene during my high school years was insane. Battle of the bands became the event of the year.  Even though I was over school, I did not deny the power of a higher education.  I decided to become a San Francisco State Gator.  I graduated in three years, at the age of 20 with a Bachelor's degree in Liberal Studies.
I pretend I know anything about technology, but I really only know ONE secret.  Google.  Not much of a secret anymore, but if there are any questions, it's who I turn to. 
I like that the Mission Statement says "collaboratively TRANSFORM public education".  I think a lot of changes have to be made to the public education system and it's up to us to make those changes. 


  1. Hey Daniel! I liked that you found that one word in the mission statement so interesting :) I think "transform" is a great description of what future educators need to do for the system. And you could have fooled me about only having one secret to your technological know-how hah.

  2. My computer secret is also Google. But now that you and I have announced that to the world, I dont think it is much of a secret anymore. But I believe that people will benefit. I hope to also transform the minds of my students within my classroom. I am happy that brilliant people like ourselves are in the credential program at San Marcos :D
